7 Things To Know About Exercising During Your Period

Exercising During PeriodWhen it is that time of the month, many women tend to ditch the gym. Instead, they prefer staying at home, making themselves comfortable on the couch and munching on chocolate. This is a valid option because many women don’t feel like working out during this difficult time. But they don’t realize that working out during their period doesn’t have to be difficult at all. There are numerous things that can be done to make exercising easier and lighter. In fact, if you work out during your period, you get some added benefits as well. We have compiled a list of some interesting things that you must know about exercising during your period. Let’s take a look.

Helps ease period symptoms

Working out may be the last thing on your mind when you are having your period, but if you work out, you can find relief from the irritating symptoms easily. The more active you are during your period, the better you will feel. Basically, there will be less pain, less cramping and the flow will not be heavy.

Reduce bloating

When you workout, you lose water in the form of sweat and this helps prevent bloating. In addition, your body releases endorphins which will make you feel better naturally. Read more

Weight-Training Mistakes Women Make

Weight Training Mistakes Women MakeIn the modern era of fitness it is widely accepted that both, men and women should lift weights in order to achieve their fitness goals, regardless if they want to lose fat, build muscle or be healthy. Having this in mind you have been going to the gym regularly and lifting weights. But in all these days of weight training, you have not been able to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Your muscles aren’t looking sculpted at all and you are frustrated because now you feel that all this had been a waste of time and energy. If you have been working out regularly, but have not achieved what you wanted, it is likely that something is wrong somewhere. Maybe, it is not your willpower, but with your workout.

To be able to succeed and see positive results when doing weight training, it is important that you know about health and fitness. One of the main reasons women fail in their workouts is that they don’t know what they are doing. While there are a number of things you can do to achieve your goals, there are also a number of pitfalls that can actually destroy your motivation, cause injury and collapse your progress.

Whenever you are starting out with weight training, it is essential to first gather a bit of information. You must understand the basics of weight training and the importance of your diet. Sometimes it is the mistakes that women make that prevent them from achieving their health and fitness goals. So to be a smarter fitness junkie, you must steer clear of these common mistakes. Let’s take a look at what these are. Read more

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout

How To Motivate Yourself To WorkoutStaying healthy and being active is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it and no one would ever complain about the extra pounds or other weight related problems they face. Did you know that there are some mental walls that actually prevent you from doing what is important for you? After a long day at work, you want to de-stress and in the process, you forget that keeping healthy and staying fit is as important as all the other things in life.

If you are able to break down these mental walls, you will be able to stay fit and healthy. Getting the motivation to workout is not easy. In fact, it is a struggle for many people. But with these little tips and tricks, you can find the motivation to lead a healthier and a more active lifestyle. Here’s a look at how you can motivate yourself to workout.

Set goals

When you have decided to become more active, setting fitness goals can really help you become motivated to do what you have thought of. It can be hard to make lifestyle changes, but if you are able to set realistic and well planned goals, you will be able to keep yourself focused and motivated. However, before you start a new fitness program, it is important to see a doctor and get a medical check up done. Some workout goals can include walking 30 min every day, workout 4 times a week, completing a yoga challenge, running 2 km 3 times a week, etc. After you have set your goals, you will need to find a way how to accomplish them, and forget about quitting. Read more

What to Eat Before Working Out

Eat Before WorkoutIf you are looking to get the most out of your workout, then it is important to eat the right kinds of food beforehand. Although you may not be willing to pack in calories before the session, there are a number of foods you can eat to fuel your workout. Apart from helping you maximize your efforts, these foods can also prevent low blood sugar, fatigue and lightheadedness during the workout. Here is a list of foods you must consider eating before working out.


Bananas contain fast acting carbohydrates which can actually provide useable energy during a workout session. Bananas also contain potassium which can help in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. Bananas are the perfect pre-workout snack for all those who workout first thing in the morning. Those who tend to skip breakfast before their workout can benefit greatly by having a banana at least 30 minutes prior to working out.


Another easy pre-workout snack is chickpeas. Chickpeas contain carbs, fiber and protein that are essential for fuelling your workout. Before the session, eat at least ¼ cup of chickpeas to give you 9 grams of fiber, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 10 grams of protein. Read more

What To Eat After Working Out

What To Eat After Working OutAfter working out at the gym, you must ensure that you eat the right type of food. This is because the food you eat following your workout session is the most important of all that you eat during the day. When you hit the gym, excess energy is stored in the muscles in the form of protein and glycogen and when you perform some exercises, the body uses the fuel from the pre-workout meal you have taken. When this much fuel is not enough, then the stored glycogen is used up. However, after you come back from your workout session, the muscles start to break down because the protein levels drop. In order to prevent this, you must eat food that will help you reload the depleted muscles. In this post, we will take a look at what food you must eat following your workout.

Wholegrain breakfast cereal

You can eat wholegrain breakfast cereal at any time, but you can get the most benefits out of it when you eat it after your workout. Wholesale cereals are rich in protein, fiber and carbohydrates. They are perfect for restoring the muscles that tend to break down after your training session. You can include yogurt or milk to your cereal and make it a substantial after-workout snack. Read more

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