5 Things To Do Tonight To Lose Weight Tomorrow

do-tonight-lose-weight-tomorrowHave you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain a healthy weight? If there are people you look at everyday and wonder if you could be that slim and fit, then you must know that their secret to losing weight is not difficult. You can also succeed and have the body you had always dreamed of by following some simple steps. Just little bit of planning in advance can help you get rid of those extra kilos. Here’s a look at 5 things that you can do tonight to lose weight tomorrow.

1. Pack Your Lunch

One of the major factors that cause weight gain is not planning in advance. What this basically means is that you are easily tempted to eat countless calories when you are out. So when you have plans to go out, why not pack your lunch. If you plan in advance, you will be able to choose the ingredients wisely. Salads are great because they can help you satisfy your hunger and prevent you from packing unwanted calories. When you choose the right ingredients for your salad, you can control the amount of calories you will be consuming for lunch the following day.

2. Think What You Will Have For Breakfast

You must know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having proper breakfast can help you boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full all morning long. In addition, having breakfast will also help you eliminate the urge to pack on more calories during the day. But your choice of breakfast also matters. While it is true that you may already have a habit of eating breakfast, planning at night can help you avoid that bowl of cereal and go with a much healthier option. Read more

7 Fat-Burning Foods For Winter

7 Fat-Burning Foods For WinterDue to the kind of lifestyle we tend to lead these days, weight loss is a very important topic of discussion all the time. The holiday season is just around the corner and one concern that many people have is how to get rid of the extra weight that is piled up during the holidays. Winter doesn’t only mean cosy days, but it also means less workout and heavy foods and we all know what all these actually comes down to. While there are no magic pills for weight loss, there are a number of foods that you can eat during winter that will help you keep your weight in check. Here’s a look at 7 fat burning foods for winter.

1. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has been used medicinally since ages. It is believed that cayenne pepper has properties that can induce thermogenesis and increase oxidation of lipids which basically involves burning of fat for energy, a process that is vital for weight loss. But this is not the only benefit you get by including cayenne pepper in your diet. Other benefits include slowing down growth of fat cells and decreasing appetite which can help you maintain a healthy weight.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a commonly used spice, but a number of studies have suggested that it can also aid in weight loss. Cinnamon can lower sugar levels in the blood which is essential for weight loss. You can add this amazing spice to your snacks, tea or coffee for a health boost. Read more

6 Simple Ways To Get Addicted To Exercise

6 Simple Ways To Get Addicted To ExerciseWhen people start exercising, they start off with too many expectations. Will I be able to do it? Will I achieve what I want? What will happen if I fail? Can I stick to an exercise routine?

Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day may sound simple enough, but it is actually not. This is the reason there are many people who want to exercise, but they don’t do it. On the other hand, there are also many people who work out religiously on a regular basis. They don’t look at exercise as a task that must be done to lead a healthy life. In fact, they love exercise. So where do these people get the motivation to exercise? Here are 6 simple ways you can get addicted to exercise.

1. Enjoy your exercise and make it fun

When you engage in physical activities that are fun, it will soon turn into a hobby rather than a calorie burning task. When it comes to workout, different people are comfortable with different levels of intensity. This is the reason you must look for activities that are appropriate for you so you enjoy them. This could be anything like jogging, cycling, aerobic exercise, weight lifting and others. Dancing is also one of the best workouts that you can enjoy. Read more

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of PumpkinThe variety of mouthwatering dishes you can make with pumpkin is endless. From raviolis, pies and breads to risottos and beers, there are just so many things that can be made using pumpkin as the main ingredient. You can also eat oven roasted pumpkin as a delicious desert. Pumpkins are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals. It is not just tasty when included in the meals, but it also packs a healthy punch. Here is a glance at the 7 impressive health benefits of pumpkin.

1. Improves vision

One cup of cooked pumpkin provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A and as suggested by health professionals, Vitamin A is vital for eyesight protection.

2. Aids in weight loss

Have you been struggling to get rid of the extra weight? Now you can easily lose weight and get in shape by incorporating pumpkin in your diet. Pumpkin contains fiber which not only helps in digestion, but also helps you feel fuller for longer. Pumpkin also contains fewer calories making it easy to achieve your weight loss goals. Read more

10 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Lazy Ways to Lose WeightWeight loss is not easy. “Unless you hit the gym, sweat or starve yourself, you are not going to lose a pound.” This is what we believe or rather what the fitness industry wants us to believe. But the truth is that if you have a weight loss goal, achieving it doesn’t have to be difficult. Even for the laziest people on earth, there are tips and tricks that can help them shed the extra pounds. Let’s take a look at the top ten lazy ways to lose weight.

1. Drink water before every meal

Water contains no calories but your food does. So drinking one or two glasses of water before you start your meal will make you feel fuller instantly. This will prevent you from overeating and it will also keep you hydrated.

2. Make some changes in your diet

Making little changes to your diet can help you cut down on calories. For example, if you are having salad for lunch, opt for a healthy dressing instead of those that will turn your salad into fat bombs. Stay clear of ridiculously unhealthy dressings like Creamy Caesar, Buttermilk Ranch Dressing, Creamy Italian Garlic Dressing and others. Going for fresh fruits instead of dried fruits can also save you some calories.

3. Control your portion size

If you are planning to lose weight, you must control your portion size at every meal. Do not eat snacks from the bag and stop only when you feel like eating no more. Measure your snacks and foods beforehand so you know how much you are supposed to eat. Use small plates during mealtimes so you are in control of how much you eat. Read more

Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food Cravings

Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food CravingsToday, a lot of people are struggling with the problem of hedonic hunger. This form of hunger is more about eating for pleasure than to satisfy a need. When people suffer from hedonic hunger, they are unable to maintain their body’s balance and therefore put on weight. Mostly, people crave for sweets or fast food and this kind of urge is more like an addiction.

The good news is that a number of studies conducted on the benefits of spinach for the body have found that this green leafy vegetable contains a compound which can help curb cravings. It can help reset the body and resist food temptations that are a result of hedonic hunger.

People who have unhealthy eating habits often struggle to shed extra pounds. This is the reason they must learn how spinach can reduce unhealthy food cravings so they can keep their weight in check.

Weight loss with thylakoids

The green leaf membranes are known as thylakoids and when these are extracted from spinach, they can promote weight loss by up to 43%. Thylakoids can make a person feel full quickly by repressing hunger. Individuals who are looking to lose weight can also drink a glass of spinach juice before breakfast to reduce unhealthy food cravings. It will also help them feel more satisfied during the day. Read more

5 Amazing Reasons to Eat Turmeric Daily

5 Amazing Reasons to Eat Turmeric DailyIf you are given the chance to choose a spice that can improve your well being and help you lead a healthier and longer life, then a good choice for you would be turmeric. Turmeric powder is bright yellow in color and it is made by grinding mature turmeric rhizomes. It is mostly used in curries for coloring and flavoring, but it is also commonly used for medicinal and cosmetic reasons. One tablespoon of turmeric powder has about 24 calories with no cholesterol. It also contains high levels of magnesium, potassium, iron, fiber and vitamin B6. Turmeric powder can be purchased from Indian and Chinese supermarkets. The spice is used in almost every Indian curry, pickles and mustards. Here’s a look at the 5 amazing reasons you must include turmeric in your diet every day.

Relieves Arthritis

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which are great for treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This spice also contain antioxidants which helps the body get rid of free radicals. A number of studies have shown that individuals who eat turmeric regularly experience great relief from joint inflammation and mild to moderate joint pains. In fact, turmeric is more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs. Read more

Quinoa and its Health Benefits

Quinoa Health BenefitsQuinoa is often described as a ‘supergrain’ or ‘superfood’ and is very popular among people who are health conscious. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and is packed with fiber, protein and a variety of other minerals and nutrients. When compared with other grains, quinoa contains more proteins. It is low in carbohydrates and high in heart healthy unsaturated fats. Because quinoa is considered as one of the healthiest foods on the planet, it is important that people are aware of the benefits it offers. Here’s a look at the many health benefits of quinoa.

Decreases the risk of chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation has many implications on the human body which scientists and researchers are still trying to understand. Some of the disorders in which chronic inflammation is believed to play a role include asthma, bowel diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to a number of studies, quinoa may help decrease the risk of chronic inflammation as they help promote friendly bacteria that can be found in the gut. Read more

Weight-Training Mistakes Women Make

Weight Training Mistakes Women MakeIn the modern era of fitness it is widely accepted that both, men and women should lift weights in order to achieve their fitness goals, regardless if they want to lose fat, build muscle or be healthy. Having this in mind you have been going to the gym regularly and lifting weights. But in all these days of weight training, you have not been able to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Your muscles aren’t looking sculpted at all and you are frustrated because now you feel that all this had been a waste of time and energy. If you have been working out regularly, but have not achieved what you wanted, it is likely that something is wrong somewhere. Maybe, it is not your willpower, but with your workout.

To be able to succeed and see positive results when doing weight training, it is important that you know about health and fitness. One of the main reasons women fail in their workouts is that they don’t know what they are doing. While there are a number of things you can do to achieve your goals, there are also a number of pitfalls that can actually destroy your motivation, cause injury and collapse your progress.

Whenever you are starting out with weight training, it is essential to first gather a bit of information. You must understand the basics of weight training and the importance of your diet. Sometimes it is the mistakes that women make that prevent them from achieving their health and fitness goals. So to be a smarter fitness junkie, you must steer clear of these common mistakes. Let’s take a look at what these are. Read more

Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Health Benefits Of Brussels SproutsOne of the most hated vegetable in the world is Brussels sprouts and one of the reasons for this is their notorious smell. They have an offensive odor, but most people don’t realize that this odor comes from overcooking the vegetable. When cooked right, these tiny nutritional powerhouses are both tasty and healthy. Proper cooking also helps preserve their nutrients and flavors. Brussels sprouts are also low in calories which make them the ideal food for weight loss. One cup contains only about 56 calories.

Including Brussels sprouts in your diet can offer numerous health benefits. Since they are packed with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they can provide protection against many diseases and ailments. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

Helps fight cancer

Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable which means that it is naturally associated with reducing the risk of cancer. According to a number of studies, the sulfur containing compounds contained in Brussels sprouts are powerful when it comes to fighting cancer. These compounds can help impede or delay different types of cancer such as melanoma, prostrate, pancreatic and even esophageal cancer. Read more

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