Beauty Benefits of Exercise

Beauty Benefits of ExerciseIf you are driven by the desire to get rid of those extra kilos, then you have a very good reason to hit the gym. Maybe, you want to become slim and fit, flatten your belly or tone your thighs. Or you want to become healthy and prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. There is a plethora of benefits you can get out of regular exercise even on beauty. If you recognize the powerful effects exercise has on your overall health, then you have that extra incentive you need to start working out. Let’s take a look at some of the beauty benefits you can achieve with exercise.

Instant Glow

When you work out, your skin receives oxygenated blood and the nourishment it needs to give your skin an instant glow. The heart rate increases as you exercise and this also promotes proper blood flow which pushes minerals, vitamins and oxygen into the tiny capillaries which are located within the skin layers. Oxygen and blood are both needed to give a youthful glow to the skin and a flush to the cheeks.

Reduces Wrinkles

The body contains stress related hormones known as cortisol and when you exercise, you are able to maintain healthy levels of this hormone in the body. You must take note that elevated levels of cortisol can lead to excessive production of sebum which can result in acne breakouts. Excessive cortisol levels can also result in the breakdown of collagen in the skin which can cause sagging and wrinkles. Read more

10 Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

10 Tips For Healthy Winter SkinThe winter season can bring dryness to the skin. But for some people, the problem can get really worse. Dry skin can easily cause flaking, cracking and inflammation if it is not managed properly. Here are 10 tips that will help you make sure that your skin is moist and smooth throughout the winter.

1. Use lukewarm water

When it comes to taking a shower in the icy winters, try to use lukewarm water instead of hot water. It may feel good to bath in hot water when the season is chilly but hot water can cause a lot of damage to your skin. Hot water can strip off essential oils from your skin which can cause excessive dryness, flaking and cracking.

2. Keep your skin moisturized

Immediately after taking a shower, you must use a good moisturizer on your skin. When your skin is still damp, applying moisturizer will help seal the dampness making your skin feel smooth and soft. You must use a moisturizer every time you wash your hands and face.

3. Look for a good moisturizer

Your choice of moisturizer is very important because the ingredients in the moisturizer can either protect your skin from dryness or cause excessive dryness. Moisturizers which are petroleum based are not good for the skin during winters. You must look for moisturizers which are rich in Vitamin E and are oil based. Read more

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of PumpkinThe variety of mouthwatering dishes you can make with pumpkin is endless. From raviolis, pies and breads to risottos and beers, there are just so many things that can be made using pumpkin as the main ingredient. You can also eat oven roasted pumpkin as a delicious desert. Pumpkins are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals. It is not just tasty when included in the meals, but it also packs a healthy punch. Here is a glance at the 7 impressive health benefits of pumpkin.

1. Improves vision

One cup of cooked pumpkin provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A and as suggested by health professionals, Vitamin A is vital for eyesight protection.

2. Aids in weight loss

Have you been struggling to get rid of the extra weight? Now you can easily lose weight and get in shape by incorporating pumpkin in your diet. Pumpkin contains fiber which not only helps in digestion, but also helps you feel fuller for longer. Pumpkin also contains fewer calories making it easy to achieve your weight loss goals. Read more

Surprising Beauty Benefits Of Oats

Surprising-Beauty-Benefits-Of-OatsOne of the best ways to start your day is with a bowl of hot oatmeal or oatmeal in yogurt (or kefir). Because oats are packed with the right amount of carbs and protein, it can keep you feeling full for longer and provide the energy you need to fuel your day. According to a number of studies, consuming oatmeal for breakfast on a daily basis can help you fight many health related problems. Oats is not just a nutritional powerhouse, but it can also be used topically to treat many skin problems. Oats offers numerous surprising beauty benefits and in this article, we will take a look at some of them.

Treats Acne

Cooked oats can be a great natural remedy when it comes to treating acne. Simply soften some oats by boiling in water and allow it to cool. Once it has cooled, apply it on the face, especially the affected area and rinse off using cold water after about 10 minutes. Doing this everyday for a couple of weeks will help remove excess oil from the skin and also exfoliate dead skin cells which will eventually provide protection against acne.

Skin Lightening

Oats have skin lightening properties and applying it topically can help you smooth out blotchy areas and achieve smooth and even skin tone. Today, oats is widely used in skin care and cosmetic products such as lotions, body scrubs and exfoliating creams because of its surprising beauty benefits. Read more

Delicious Health Benefits of Watermelon

Delicious Health Benefits of WatermelonA delicious fruit that you can eat to quench your thirst and at the same time revitalize your body with Vitamin A and anti-oxidant lycopene is watermelon. These melons are so juicy and tasty that they have everything you need to beat the summer heat. They are high in water content and are also packed with electrolytes, making them the perfect fruit for hot summers. These delicious fruits owe their red color to lycopene, which is an antioxidant that is also commonly found in tomatoes.

Over the years, researches and studies have shown that lycopene plays an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health. There are many more delicious health benefits of watermelon which we are going to take a look at in this article.

Reduces inflammation

On the website of The World’s Healthiest Foods, you can find watermelon in the top 100 list. The name appears right up with superfoods like salmon, walnuts and pumpkin seeds. Because watermelons are rich in lycopene, it can prevent conditions like arthritis from getting worse. It can also lower chronic inflammation that are mostly aggravated by stress, pollution and smoking. Read more

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of BlackheadsBlackheads are a common skin problem which is caused by the clogging of hair follicles on the nose and face. They are a form of acne caused by oxidation and its dark appearance can be very unsightly. But the fact is that unlike acne, blackheads are easy to treat. You don’t have to worry about using expensive chemical formulas and creams to remove blackheads from your nose and face. There are some simple natural remedies which you can use to get rid of blackheads easily. Let’s take a look.

Baking soda

Baking soda has antiseptic properties and it can work effectively to treat blackheads and remove impurities from the skin. To use this natural remedy, you can combine two teaspoons of baking soda with water and create a thick paste. Apply the mask on the face and allow it to dry. Wash with cold water and pat dry. Repeat the remedy two times a week.


Tomatoes also have antiseptic properties that can help de-clog pores and remove blackheads from the face and nose. You can mash tomatoes and use the peel and juice as a facial treatment. Concentrate on the affected areas and if possible, leave on overnight and wash your face in the morning. Read more

Health Benefits of Raw Garlic

Health Benefits Of Raw GarlicAccording to a number of studies, there are numerous health benefits of raw garlic and therefore you must include at least half clove of garlic in your meals. Garlic has a unique combination of sulfur containing nutrients and flavonoids which is quite important for your health. Garlic also adds aroma to foods. It is a nice seasoning and it contains added nutrition as well. To take advantage of the health benefits that garlic has to offer, it is essential to use raw pressed or chopped garlic in your dishes. Here’s a look at the main benefits of eating raw garlic.

Boosts immune system

When the world wars were taking place, garlic was commonly used to treat gangrene. But today, it is used to fight flues and colds during the cold weather season. This herb contains antioxidants which also boosts the immune system.

Treats acne

If you take a look at the list of ingredients behind the pack of a good acne product, you will find the name of garlic there too. This is because garlic is good for treating acne and getting rid of blemishes. The organic compound Allicin found in garlic can prevent the effects of free radicals in the body and kill bacteria. Therefore, garlic is a valuable herb when it comes to treating acne and skin problems such as scars, allergies and even skin diseases. To treat skin problems, it is also possible to use garlic topically. Read more

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon And Honey

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon And HoneyNatural ingredients offer a range of health benefits and when some of them are combined together, they work to cure a number of diseases and medical conditions. The two natural ingredients that we are going to talk about in this post are cinnamon and honey. The combination of cinnamon and honey has been used for ages to promote general well being. They have been used to cure ailments and conditions. Although there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that this combination works great for many conditions, there are thousands and thousands of individuals who swear by this easy and simple home remedy. Here’s a look at some of the top health benefits of cinnamon and honey when they are combined together.

Boosts immunity

When it comes to boosting the immune system, there are no other natural ingredients which are better than cinnamon and honey. These ingredients can help eliminate chronic fatigue, fight flu and viruses and also increase the lifespan. In addition, there are antioxidants present in these ingredients which help fight against free radicals in the body.

Promotes weight loss

If you are looking to shed some weight, you can try a mixture of cinnamon and honey. You can add the mixture to a glass of warm water and drink on empty stomach daily to get great results quickly. However, it is also essential that you combine the remedy with exercise and proper diet for healthy weight loss. Read more

5 Foods for More Beautiful Skin

5 Foods for More Beautiful SkinEveryone wants beautiful and radiant skin. In fact, the desire to have flawless skin has turned the beauty industry into a billion dollar industry. Every now and then new products and lotions are launched that claim to do wonders for the skin. Wherever you look today, you will find beauty products of all sorts. But, do these beauty products really work? While some do help make the skin smoother and softer, the key to have beautiful skin lies in what you eat. As said, radiant and clear skin is all about what you take in and not what you put on. On this note, here’s a look at 5 foods that can make your skin more beautiful.

1. Salmon

Salmon offers numerous health benefits. The omega 3 fatty acid it contains is beneficial for the heart and the skin as well. According to a number of studies, elderly people who ate more fish in their lives had fewer wrinkles than those who did not eat much fish or restricted their diet to meat only. It is also true that salmon can lower the risk of skin cancer. There are a number of delicious dishes that can be prepared using salmon. Therefore it is quite easy to fit this fish into any beautiful diet. Read more

5 Home DIY Remedies for Irritated Skin

5 Home DIY Remedies for Irritated SkinItching is a common problem that can be extremely annoying. There are many reasons your skin can become irritated. Some of these include dry weather conditions, winters, detergents, some soaps, medications, skin infections and insect bites. Scratching on the affected area provides temporary relief and sometimes it can lead to infections and injuries as well. Therefore, this method of finding relief from irritated skin is not recommended at all.

Although we take the precautions necessary to protect the skin from chemicals and other harmful elements that can cause skin problems, there are times when we do get unfavorable skin reactions. So if you suffer from irritated and itchy skin most of the time, then listed below are 5 home DIY solutions to your problem.

1. Baking Soda

One of the most common DIY home remedy for irritated skin is baking soda. This common household ingredient has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. But, you must ensure that you don’t use baking soda on open wounds or broken skin. To use baking soda to get relief from irritated skin, mix three parts of it to one part of water. Apply the mixture on the affected areas and keep it on for at least 30 minutes to one hour before taking a bath. Read more

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