Quinoa is often described as a ‘supergrain’ or ‘superfood’ and is very popular among people who are health conscious. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and is packed with fiber, protein and a variety of other minerals and nutrients. When compared with other grains, quinoa contains more proteins. It is low in carbohydrates and high in heart healthy unsaturated fats. Because quinoa is considered as one of the healthiest foods on the planet, it is important that people are aware of the benefits it offers. Here’s a look at the many health benefits of quinoa.
Decreases the risk of chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation has many implications on the human body which scientists and researchers are still trying to understand. Some of the disorders in which chronic inflammation is believed to play a role include asthma, bowel diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to a number of studies, quinoa may help decrease the risk of chronic inflammation as they help promote friendly bacteria that can be found in the gut.
Helps lower cholesterol
Quinoa has a good fiber content which helps to lower cholesterol levels in the body. Fiber is also essential for healthy digestion. One cup of quinoa contains about 5 grams of fiber which is sufficient enough to contribute towards controlled sugar levels in the blood, lower cholesterol levels and healthy weight.
Promotes healthy heart
Recently, the Journal of Food Lipids published an article which showed how the dietary flavonoids contained in quinoa seeds can reduce the risk of heart related problems. In addition, quinoa contains monounsaturated fats, alpha-linolenic acids and omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for promoting a healthy heart.
Helps digestion
Quinoa is more digestible than most other grains and since it is rich in fiber, it helps in healthy digestion. It supports a healthy digestive tract and helps prevent digestive disorders. One cup of cooked quinoa provides 20% of fiber that women should eat daily. For men, it provides about 13% of the recommended daily intake.
Helps in management of diabetes
A number of studies show that quinoa plays a role in the management of diabetes and hypertenstion. Quinoa contains an antioxidant known as quercetin which has the potential to aid in the proper management of diabetes.
Promotes weight loss
To be able to shed some kilos, it is important to take in fewer calories than the body is able to burn. There are some foods that have properties that can actually speed up the calorie burning process in the body. These foods can either reduce appetite or they can boost metabolism. Quinoa is one such food that has both properties. It is high in protein and fiber which means it can increase metabolism, make you feel full faster and reduce your appetite.
Promotes longevity
According to some studies, this superfood can actually help you live longer. The high dietary fiber content of quinoa can reduce the risk of mortality in humans. Other studies have found that whole grain consumption is linked to a lower risk of heart related problems which is a major cause of death in men and women today.