Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Blackheads

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of BlackheadsBlackheads are a common skin problem which is caused by the clogging of hair follicles on the nose and face. They are a form of acne caused by oxidation and its dark appearance can be very unsightly. But the fact is that unlike acne, blackheads are easy to treat. You don’t have to worry about using expensive chemical formulas and creams to remove blackheads from your nose and face. There are some simple natural remedies which you can use to get rid of blackheads easily. Let’s take a look.

Baking soda

Baking soda has antiseptic properties and it can work effectively to treat blackheads and remove impurities from the skin. To use this natural remedy, you can combine two teaspoons of baking soda with water and create a thick paste. Apply the mask on the face and allow it to dry. Wash with cold water and pat dry. Repeat the remedy two times a week.


Tomatoes also have antiseptic properties that can help de-clog pores and remove blackheads from the face and nose. You can mash tomatoes and use the peel and juice as a facial treatment. Concentrate on the affected areas and if possible, leave on overnight and wash your face in the morning. Read more

Juicing and Its Health Benefits

Juicing Health BenefitsProbably you are well aware of the fact that fruits and vegetables are very important to the body. But the question that you ought to be asking yourself is whether you know how to get the most out of these fruits and veggies. Do you? Juicing is the best way to gain the most out of nutritional values that fruits and veggies offer.

In addition to the fact that you would be getting nutrients from the fruits and veggies, water content present in them will also help you in waste elimination. Perfect juicing will also ensure that fiber content present in fruits and veggies is well tapped. In order to get fiber content from fruits and vegetables, it is recommended that you use softer vegetables and fruits. The idea of using a juicing machine will separate important fiber that is also important in the body. Certainly, this is one of the reasons why the final product of juicing while using a machine is super fine liquid.

Eating fruits or juicing?
Studies have revealed that enzymes and vitamins that are essential to the body are mostly obtained from juices of raw veggies and fruits. In order to achieve the nutritional value that 16 oz of juice offers, you would have to eat approx. 12 apples, spinach (8lbs) and carrots (2lbs). Read more

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