Fascinating Benefits of Radish for Skin, Hair and Health

 Fascinating Benefits of Radish for Skin, Hair and HealthRadishes are an edible root vegetable which comes from the same family as cabbages, kale and broccoli. The vegetable can be eaten raw and it can also be cooked. Many people soak them in cold water to retain the crunchiness and freshness of the vegetable. Radishes are eaten all around the world and since they grow very fast, they are widely available and are highly affordable. But although it is a common vegetable, it is one of the most ignored as well.

Most people don’t realize the benefits radishes have to offer. Apart from the satisfying crunch and natural zing they offer, radishes also provide benefits for skin, hair and health and this is the reason, it is essential to make them a part of your diet. Given below are some of the fascinating benefits of eating radish.

Promotes healthy skin

Radish has cleansing properties as well and you can even apply the juice of raw radish on your skin to get younger looking skin. Since radish is a rich source of antioxidants and Vitamin C, it can prevent skin damage from free radicals as well. Read more

What’s the Big Deal about Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent FastingWe can often hear advice by nutritionists like “eat frequent but small meals”, “don’t starve” or “don’t skip breakfast“, but it turns out that fasting offers a number of health benefits. It not only reduces risk of cancer and improves cardiovascular health, but it also promotes longevity and gene repair. It is quite true that when a person is in “feast mode,” the body forgoes much of the natural rejuvenation and repair programming. It is also true that most of the disease processes that are initiated in the body are a result of eating too frequently.

When the body is subjected to severe calorie restriction, a person is able to achieve weight loss, but for most people a starvation diet is not an appealing approach for weight loss. But, a number of studies have suggested that a method called “intermittent fasting” can offer the same benefits without causing any health problems. In the olden days, our ancestors did not have access to food all the time. There were no grocery stores and they would eat only at particular times. According to research, this kind of eating habit offers biochemical benefits to the body.

So, is intermittent fasting for you? Does intermittent fasting really work? What kind of health benefits are there when you use this approach? Let’s a take a look at what intermittent fasting really is and whether it offers real benefits. Read more

10 Important Health Benefits of Fiber

10 Important Health Benefits of FiberYou may have heard that eating more fiber is good for health. But what is fiber and why is it good?

Fiber is present in many vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. It is a component of food that is good for relieving constipation. Other than this, there are many health benefits of including more fiber in the diet and it is also not hard to select tasty foods which are rich in fiber. Fiber is not digested by the body. Instead it is passed intact through the stomach to the small intestine and colon and out of the body. Fiber can be classified as soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is present in apples, carrots, citrus fruits, peas, oats and beans. It dissolves in water. On the other hand, insoluble fiber aids in digestion and is commonly found in potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, wheat bran, whole wheat flour and nuts. Some of the important health benefits of fiber are mentioned below.

1. Promotes heart health

A number of studies have suggested that eating more fiber can promote heart health and prevent diseases related to the heart.

2. Prevents cancer

Including foods high in fiber in the diet can provide protection against many different types of cancers including colon, uterine, ovarian and breast cancer. Read more

Difference Between Added and Natural Sugar

Difference Between Added and Natural SugarSugar is the most common ingredient used today when it comes to adding sweetness to a dish. But, this ingredient has gained bad reputation and it is also believed that it can be as addictive as alcohol. There are different types of sugar out there and they are not created equal. One is added sugar and the other one is natural sugar. Too much sugar is not good for anyone, but is it true that one type of sugar is healthier than the other? Let’s take a look at the difference between added and natural sugar.

Added Sugar

Added sugar is any sweetener that is added to foods when they are prepared or processed. This could be granulated white sugar, raw sugar or even corn syrup. The degree of sweetness usually varies and so does the flavor depending on the source of the added sugar. Added sugar is a pure source of carbohydrate and one teaspoon of added sugar can have about 15 calories. When a person consumes large amounts of added sugar, they can put on weight drastically. They will also often have a poor control on their blood sugar levels. The most significant amounts of added sugar can be found in energy drinks, sports drinks, soft drinks, baked goods, ice cream and candy. Read more

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in Calcium

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in CalciumCalcium is one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. It is needed by almost every cell in the body in one way or the other. It is required for the health of your teeth and bones. However, it also affects your nerve function, muscles, hormones and the ability to form blood clots. According to research, calcium may help with problems such as weight gain, high blood pressure and PMS.

Calcium is stored in the bones which provide support to the body. But, when we age, the ability to absorb calcium from the foods we eat decreases. This causes the body to take calcium from the bones and over time, the aging process leads to osteoporosis which is a kind of bone disease where the bones become brittle and weak.

Dairy products such as milk and cheese are considered as good sources of calcium. But, there are a number of nutritionists and health experts who suggest that you should not be entirely dependent on dairy products to get all the calcium your body needs. There are some nutritionists who are against the use of dairy in diet. In fact, some nutritionists and health experts have reported that consuming calcium from dairy products alone can reduce its absorption. An average adult needs about 1,100mg of calcium per day and according to recent studies, only about 30 percent of calcium is absorbed by the body when it comes only from dairy sources. Read more

5 Ways To Avoid The Flu

5 Ways To Avoid The FluThe flu season is here and if you don’t take the right steps and precautions, you could be the next one to sneeze and wheeze in your bed. While the 2012 flu season was the worst ever, it is believed that at least 20% of people are affected in any given flu season. Having the flu to many of us means suffering. You have to be in bed for at least a week and suffer headaches, body pains, fever and even vomiting. Those who have a weak immune system or those who are already suffering from a health condition such as heart disease, asthma and diabetes are more likely to be affected during the flu season. Flu can claim lives and every year, at least 3000 people die as a result of having flu.

So if you don’t want to be knocked out this flu season, here are some proven strategies which can help you avoid the flu. Read more

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy

7 Ways To Boost Your EnergyIf you are constantly yawning at your desk, feel sleep deprived or have a feeling that you are running on empty, it means it is time now to do something to boost your energy levels. Without energy, it is not possible to carry out day to day activities efficiently. While your body is not a fatigue fighting machine, small changes to your lifestyle and diet can help you improve your performance. In this article, we will take a look at the top 7 ways to boost your energy so you can feel refreshed, revitalized and keep the feeling of sluggishness at bay.

Don’t skip breakfast

People who have busy lifestyles tend to skip breakfast most of the time. They don’t realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides the energy you need to start your day right. People who eat breakfast in the morning feel less stress and fatigue during the day. Foods which are high in fiber like oatmeal will keep you feeling fuller for long. They will give you enough energy to accomplish your daily tasks easily.

Increase your magnesium intake

Having a balanced diet will ensure that you are getting all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. But, if you are feeling lazy most of the time, then it is possible you have a magnesium deficiency. Read more

Metabolism: Myths VS Facts

Metabolism Myths VS FactsMetabolism has always been a topic of debate among both men and women. It is believed that some people have fast metabolism while some have slow metabolism. We all know someone who eats junk food and still stays slim. We all also know someone who doesn’t grow a beer belly no matter how many beers he drinks. These people cannot be superhuman, so what is it exactly that is preventing them from gaining weight?

In order to understand this fact, we need to understand what metabolism is. Metabolism is basically the rate at which the body burns calories. Metabolism can be affected by many things such as what you eat, how much you workout, the kind of exercises you do and so on. Metabolism has one rule and that is if the amount of calories taken in is the same as the amount of calories burned, then the person will remain the same size. Weight gain occurs when the consumption is more than what the body is able to get rid of and weight loss occurs when the body burns more calories than that has been taken in. Read more

10 Best Foods for Brain Health

10 Best Foods for Brain HealthEating well is not only good for your physical health, but your mental health as well. Just like other organs in your body such as lungs, heart and muscles, your brain also needs nutrients. There are many foods which can improve memory and support healthy cognitive function. So if you want to keep your grey matter happy and healthy, given below are the ten best foods that you should start including in your diet.

1. Blueberries

These tasty fruits can reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s and other age related conditions. They can also protect your brain from oxidative stress. In addition, including blueberries in the diet can improve motor skills and learning capacity.

2. Seeds and Nuts

Whether it is flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds or walnuts, seeds and nuts provide Vitamin E which boosts memory and prevents cognitive decline as you age. Read more

Foods That Will Age You Prematurely

Foods That Will Age You PrematurelyDid you know that what you eat can have an impact on how you look? A flawless skin is synonymous with health and beauty and there are many people who spend a lot of money on expensive skin care products. Some even visit dermatologists and doctors to get their skin conditions treated so they can look younger and have glowing skin. If there are imbalances in the body, it can manifest as skin problems, rashes and even skin breakouts.

It is important to remember that skin health is not always attainable with cosmetics and skin treatments. Most of the products that you buy even contain harmful chemicals which can have a damaging effect on your skin health. When it comes to looking young and having glowing skin, the first thing that you should concentrate on is the food you eat. There are a number of foods that are responsible for causing accelerated skin aging. Given below are the foods that you must try to avoid or minimize intake since they will age you prematurely.


One of the worst foods that are responsible for causing premature aging is sugar. Sugar promotes chronic inflammation and they also cause a number of ill effects. You don’t have to banish sugar from your diet completely because many fruits contain sugar naturally. Carbohydrates are an essential part of human nutrition but consuming processed sugar can incite many health issues over time. Therefore, you must try to reduce intake from sources where it is possible to do so. This includes avoiding table sugar, raw sugar, molasses, glucose, fructose, maple syrup and so on. Read more

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