8 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running

8 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than RunningWith the increase in the number of people becoming overweight and obese today, more and more people are looking for ways to burn more calories faster. Running is a good way to burn calories and lose weight and a large number of people have found that running does really help them get rid of the extra pounds. While running is convenient and does not require any equipment apart from a good pair of running shoes, there are many other exercises which can really help you burn more calories. Here’s a look at some of the exercises that burn more calories than running.

1. Cycling

Whether you cycle on the road or on a stationary bike, you burn more calories than running. Depending on your resistance and speed, you will be able to burn about 480 calories in an hour. You can even consider taking indoor cycling classes to lose weight faster.

2. Jet skiing

When you take part in water sports such as jet skiing, you burn about 390 calories in an hour. According to experts, water sports engage your hamstrings, core, quads and upper body because you are required to keep your body upright and maintain a constant balance. Jet skiing helps burn more calories than horse riding. Read more

What’s the Best Time to Exercise?

What's the Best Time to ExerciseIf you could burn more calories, lose weight and get fit by exercising at the perfect time, you most probably would, right? The time of the day you work out has been getting a lot of attention, but does it really matter? Is there a time of the day that is perfect for exercising? If so what is the best time?

According to a number of studies and researches, the perfect time is not clear cut but there are a number of factors that determine what time of the day may be the best time. Obviously, exercise is better than no exercise and you must schedule your workout when you know you have the best chance at it.

Studies suggest that working out in the morning is the best if you are looking to get a good night’s sleep. The research that was conducted tracked the sleep patterns of individuals between the ages of 40 to 60 who worked out on treadmills for at least 3 times a week. These participants exercised at different times of the day such as at 7 in the morning, 1 in the day and 7 in the evening. Result showed that individuals who worked out in the morning slept longer than those who worked out at other times of the day. In fact, these individuals spent about 75 percent more time in the deep sleep stages which is also known as the reparative stage. Another benefit was that these individuals experienced a reduction in blood pressure by about 10 percent during the day. Read more

10 Reasons to Start Lifting Weights

10 Reasons to Start Lifting WeightsWhether you are vying for those big biceps and strong muscles or not, lifting weights is very important. Most people are convinced that you should shun the weight training room if you don’t want to look like The Hulk. But this is not true, especially for women since they don’t have high levels of testosterone like man. Besides, lifting weights offers numerous benefits for the heart and overall health. Here’s a look at the top 10 reasons you must include working with the weights in your fitness regime.

1. Lose more fat

Cardio is important when it comes to burning fat but according to a number of studies lifting weights can help burn more fat. Studies have proven that those who diet without any exercise and those who exercise only to lose weight or perform aerobic exercises lose almost the same amount of weight. However, those who do aerobic exercises plus lift weights as well lose weight of which more is fat. This is because lifting weights promotes fat loss and normal dieting and aerobics results in both fat and muscle loss.

2. Clothes will fit better

People tend to lose about 10 percent of their muscles if they are over 30 years of age. But as they lose muscles, they accumulate more fat. This increases the size of the waist and makes you bigger. Lifting weights helps maintain the muscle mass making you leaner. Read more

8 Healthy Foods That Could Ruin Your Diet

8 Healthy Foods That Could Ruin Your DietWhen you are on a weight loss plan, one of the most important things that you must do is to eliminate junk foods. You may want to think again even if you think you are eating healthy. There are some foods that pretend to be healthier than they actually are. These nutritionally value foods are surprisingly high in calories and fat. Here’s a look at 8 healthy foods that could ruin your diet.

1. Smoothies

Smoothies are a cool treat, but not all of them are made equal. In fact, you can’t always know what you are consuming when you don’t make it yourself. Smoothies can be a costly diet mistake and if you consider store bought options, then you must know that these contain ice cream, flavored syrups and even milk that has high fat content.

2. Granola Bars

Most people believe that granola bars are a convenient way of getting protein and fiber, but they don’t realize that these bars are often packed with fructose corn syrup, saturated fat and added sugar. Not only they do have higher calorie content, but they are also not good for the hearts health. Read more

5 Simple and Cheap Cellulite Treatments

5 Simple and Cheap Cellulite TreatmentsThe word “cellulite” can make some women cringe and as a matter of fact, at least 80 percent of women have cellulite. Cellulite is basically fat stored under the surface of the skin. The connective tissue strands under the skin are responsible for holding fat and when these strands are not woven together tightly, the fat under the skin can bulge out between them and create ripples on the surface of the skin. Since women have thinner skin than men, the problem is more prevalent in women. Cellulite occurs due to many reasons with some of the common ones being diet, hormonal issues, genetics, toxins and lifestyle choices.

Cellulite tends to get worse with age and therefore it is essential to get rid of them as soon as they start to appear. There are a number of things that women can do to treat cellulite. Here’s a look at 5 simple and cheap cellulite treatments.

1. Dry Brushing

One of the simplest and cheapest ways to get rid of cellulite is dry brushing. This process, removes toxins from the upper layer of the skin, improves lymphatic damage and improves circulation of blood through the skin. Dry brushing with a body brush made of natural fibers can help get rid of cellulite in the thighs. Read more

Lose Weight by Dieting Like a Man

Lose Weight by Dieting Like a ManIt’s not fair how quickly men lose weight and we still weigh the same even after training on the elliptical for months. Because of the differences in muscle mass, hormones and of course metabolism, men have greater physiological advantages than women. The bigger muscle mass that men have helps them burn at least 30 percent more calories than women. Women on the other hand have more body fat which is stored in the body and since men also don’t experience the monthly hormonal peaks, it is easy for them to lose weight.

But, taking a closer look at the dieting habits of men, we can see a lot of differences when compared to the dieting habits of women. So, if it is possible to match their habits, it will be possible to lose weight like them. Given below are some tips and tricks on how to lose weight by dieting like a man.

Cut out on one treat

When women are dieting, they have this tendency to drop an entire food category like sugar or carbs. However, when men diet, they remove just a simple indulgent item like ice-cream, soda or pizza. It is important to keep a note of everything you eat from morning to evening everyday for at least one week so you know which item is really adding up and could be omitted. For example, if you drink vanilla latte twice every day, you can switch it to 2 cups of green or herbal tea per day. Read more

What’s the Big Deal about Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent FastingWe can often hear advice by nutritionists like “eat frequent but small meals”, “don’t starve” or “don’t skip breakfast“, but it turns out that fasting offers a number of health benefits. It not only reduces risk of cancer and improves cardiovascular health, but it also promotes longevity and gene repair. It is quite true that when a person is in “feast mode,” the body forgoes much of the natural rejuvenation and repair programming. It is also true that most of the disease processes that are initiated in the body are a result of eating too frequently.

When the body is subjected to severe calorie restriction, a person is able to achieve weight loss, but for most people a starvation diet is not an appealing approach for weight loss. But, a number of studies have suggested that a method called “intermittent fasting” can offer the same benefits without causing any health problems. In the olden days, our ancestors did not have access to food all the time. There were no grocery stores and they would eat only at particular times. According to research, this kind of eating habit offers biochemical benefits to the body.

So, is intermittent fasting for you? Does intermittent fasting really work? What kind of health benefits are there when you use this approach? Let’s a take a look at what intermittent fasting really is and whether it offers real benefits. Read more

10 Golden Tips For A Flat Belly

10 Goleden Tips For A Flat BellyOne of the common problems that most people face today is a bulging belly. While there are many reasons people tend to put on more weight around the midsection area, it is often always hard to get rid of the excess fat. Fat around the belly area is the most dangerous because a large waistline is an indication of disease and health problems. People tend to gain weight around the belly area when there is an increase in cortisol levels and one of the main reasons for this increase is stress. When stress gets worse with poor diets, the type of tissue that is responsible for burning calories efficiently breaks down. There are no magic bullets to target abdominal fat, but there are a number of things that you can do to reduce fat around your midsection. Given below are the top 10 golden tips for a flat belly.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

When you are trying to lose weight, it may sound counterproductive to eat, but according to a number of studies, eating within one hour of getting up can help keep insulin levels in check. Healthy breakfasts such as oats, eggs, and fresh fruits can help you feel fuller for long and also control your weight. Read more

101 Reasons to Exercise

1. Burns up extra calories101 Reasons to exercise
2. Makes you feel happier
3. Increases muscle size
4. Reduces tension and stress
5. Improves bone density
6. Strengthens your immune system
7. Prevents cold
8. Improves your body shape
9. Reduces or prevent boredom
10. Has anti-aging effects
11. Makes you feel more alive
12. Decreases body fat
13. Enhances the function of the cardiovascular system
14. Gets your mind off of negative thoughts
15. Reduces joint pain
16. Improves digestion
17. Improves athletic performance
18. Increases the level to HDL (the good cholesterol)
19. Decreases LDL (the bad cholesterol)
20. Assist in efforts to stop smoking
21. Decreases triglycerides
22. Invigorates the body & mind
23. Reduces illness
24. Makes it easier to relax
25. Stimulates & improves concentration Read more

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy

7 Ways To Boost Your EnergyIf you are constantly yawning at your desk, feel sleep deprived or have a feeling that you are running on empty, it means it is time now to do something to boost your energy levels. Without energy, it is not possible to carry out day to day activities efficiently. While your body is not a fatigue fighting machine, small changes to your lifestyle and diet can help you improve your performance. In this article, we will take a look at the top 7 ways to boost your energy so you can feel refreshed, revitalized and keep the feeling of sluggishness at bay.

Don’t skip breakfast

People who have busy lifestyles tend to skip breakfast most of the time. They don’t realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides the energy you need to start your day right. People who eat breakfast in the morning feel less stress and fatigue during the day. Foods which are high in fiber like oatmeal will keep you feeling fuller for long. They will give you enough energy to accomplish your daily tasks easily.

Increase your magnesium intake

Having a balanced diet will ensure that you are getting all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. But, if you are feeling lazy most of the time, then it is possible you have a magnesium deficiency. Read more

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