10 Golden Tips For A Flat Belly

10 Goleden Tips For A Flat BellyOne of the common problems that most people face today is a bulging belly. While there are many reasons people tend to put on more weight around the midsection area, it is often always hard to get rid of the excess fat. Fat around the belly area is the most dangerous because a large waistline is an indication of disease and health problems. People tend to gain weight around the belly area when there is an increase in cortisol levels and one of the main reasons for this increase is stress. When stress gets worse with poor diets, the type of tissue that is responsible for burning calories efficiently breaks down. There are no magic bullets to target abdominal fat, but there are a number of things that you can do to reduce fat around your midsection. Given below are the top 10 golden tips for a flat belly.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

When you are trying to lose weight, it may sound counterproductive to eat, but according to a number of studies, eating within one hour of getting up can help keep insulin levels in check. Healthy breakfasts such as oats, eggs, and fresh fruits can help you feel fuller for long and also control your weight. Read more

Health Benefits of Kaki

Health Benefits of KakiKaki which is also known as Japanese Persimmon is a tropical fruit with a very sweet taste. It is orange in color and has smooth skin. Kaki can be consumed as raw fruit, but it is commonly used in jams and cakes. While this fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and C, it also provides Vitamin B1, B2 and B3. There are many benefits of Kaki and some of the major ones are outlined below.

Helps in weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, then one of the best things you can try is kaki. The fiber content in this fruit is quite high which can help promote weight loss. When you eat foods high in fiber, you feel fuller quickly and you also don’t crave for processed food and sugar. Including persimmon fruit to your weight loss program can greatly help you shed off those extra pounds.

Helps fight cancer

Kaki or Japanese persimmon contains beneficial nutrients which protects from free radicals which are responsible for cancer. The phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in this fruit fights free radicals and effectively prevents cancer.

Helps the digestive system

Fibers are essential when it comes to having proper bowel movements. When you consume fruits and foods rich in fiber on a regular basis, you can get rid of issues and problems related to bowel movement, the result of which is achieving a healthy digestive system. The intestinal movements of the body are also regulated by the tannins present in the fruit which helps get relief from diarrhea also. Read more

Fresh Sweet Cherries

Fresh Sweet CherriesSweet Cherries are an attractive fruit appreciated for their taste, their sweetness and their diversity in an assortment of various recipes. However, they are also highly nutritious and incredibly good for you.

Sweet cherries are firm, glossy, deep red, and larger than the sour cherry or “chokecherry” varieties. They’re closely related to the wild cherries native to the Caucasus Mountain regions between the Black and Caspian seas. Like peaches and apricots, these little red fruits are drupes, containing a single seed.

They are low in calories and are full of antioxidants whose benefits include the ability to prevent many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Many people also believe that the antioxidants found in cherries may even slow the signs of ageing!

The health benefits of sweet cherries are multiple. Research shows a connection between eating sweet cherries and the prevention of Alzheimer’s. Between the fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, and anthocyanins, several types of cancers have been shown to be inhibited, and the cyanidin found in cherries significantly increases the free radical scavenging activity in the body. In fact, this is one of the most important ways cancer is shut down. Research shows that cherries may aid this benefit by blocking cancer cells from accessing the proteins they need to proliferate.

However, consume sweet cherries in moderation because they contain fructose, which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

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