7 Impressive Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of PumpkinThe variety of mouthwatering dishes you can make with pumpkin is endless. From raviolis, pies and breads to risottos and beers, there are just so many things that can be made using pumpkin as the main ingredient. You can also eat oven roasted pumpkin as a delicious desert. Pumpkins are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals. It is not just tasty when included in the meals, but it also packs a healthy punch. Here is a glance at the 7 impressive health benefits of pumpkin.

1. Improves vision

One cup of cooked pumpkin provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A and as suggested by health professionals, Vitamin A is vital for eyesight protection.

2. Aids in weight loss

Have you been struggling to get rid of the extra weight? Now you can easily lose weight and get in shape by incorporating pumpkin in your diet. Pumpkin contains fiber which not only helps in digestion, but also helps you feel fuller for longer. Pumpkin also contains fewer calories making it easy to achieve your weight loss goals. Read more

Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Health Benefits Of Brussels SproutsOne of the most hated vegetable in the world is Brussels sprouts and one of the reasons for this is their notorious smell. They have an offensive odor, but most people don’t realize that this odor comes from overcooking the vegetable. When cooked right, these tiny nutritional powerhouses are both tasty and healthy. Proper cooking also helps preserve their nutrients and flavors. Brussels sprouts are also low in calories which make them the ideal food for weight loss. One cup contains only about 56 calories.

Including Brussels sprouts in your diet can offer numerous health benefits. Since they are packed with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they can provide protection against many diseases and ailments. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

Helps fight cancer

Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable which means that it is naturally associated with reducing the risk of cancer. According to a number of studies, the sulfur containing compounds contained in Brussels sprouts are powerful when it comes to fighting cancer. These compounds can help impede or delay different types of cancer such as melanoma, prostrate, pancreatic and even esophageal cancer. Read more

Health Benefits of Kaki

Health Benefits of KakiKaki which is also known as Japanese Persimmon is a tropical fruit with a very sweet taste. It is orange in color and has smooth skin. Kaki can be consumed as raw fruit, but it is commonly used in jams and cakes. While this fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and C, it also provides Vitamin B1, B2 and B3. There are many benefits of Kaki and some of the major ones are outlined below.

Helps in weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, then one of the best things you can try is kaki. The fiber content in this fruit is quite high which can help promote weight loss. When you eat foods high in fiber, you feel fuller quickly and you also don’t crave for processed food and sugar. Including persimmon fruit to your weight loss program can greatly help you shed off those extra pounds.

Helps fight cancer

Kaki or Japanese persimmon contains beneficial nutrients which protects from free radicals which are responsible for cancer. The phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in this fruit fights free radicals and effectively prevents cancer.

Helps the digestive system

Fibers are essential when it comes to having proper bowel movements. When you consume fruits and foods rich in fiber on a regular basis, you can get rid of issues and problems related to bowel movement, the result of which is achieving a healthy digestive system. The intestinal movements of the body are also regulated by the tannins present in the fruit which helps get relief from diarrhea also. Read more

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