5 Reasons Why You’re Craving Unhealthy Foods

Once you are done with your tasks at the office, you feel very tired and just want to get home to get rest and eat something.

5 Reasons Why You’re Craving Unhealthy FoodsThe truth is that when you are craving something to eat, you tend to consider desserts or salty foods, instead of a healthy plate. Have you ever wondered what are the reasons that make you crave unhealthy foods?

The main reasons why people tend to crave junk food is because they had a stressful day, ate poorly or feel tired. However, sometimes is difficult to determine what your body actually needs and what you should consume to recover. Anyway, you definitely don’t want to end up going to McDonald’s every day when you are craving foods just
because you had a stressful day, felt tired or didn’t have a proper daily diet.

Nutritionists have now discovered the reasons why people crave unhealthy foods. It is time to become familiar with these facts and take all the necessary precautions to curb your cravings for unhealthy foods.

1. Addiction
Junk food is indeed something dangerous, it can easily lead to addiction. The more junk food you eat, the more your body will want, again and again. Your brain can easily get used to ask for that food repeatedly. Cutting off unhealthy foods is initially difficult, but if you train your brain to crave healthy foods instead, craving unhealthy foods will become less frequent.

2. Low blood sugar
When you don’t eat anything all day your blood sugar level drops. In this situation, your brain is looking for the fastest way to refill the missing nutrients. This is usually done by mechanically eating unhealthy food choices, like carbohydrates or sugary foods. This is the reason why it is recommended to eat regularly and avoid letting yourself hungry throughout the day. Try to include healthy snacks or nuts between your meals. Read more

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy

7 Ways To Boost Your EnergyIf you are constantly yawning at your desk, feel sleep deprived or have a feeling that you are running on empty, it means it is time now to do something to boost your energy levels. Without energy, it is not possible to carry out day to day activities efficiently. While your body is not a fatigue fighting machine, small changes to your lifestyle and diet can help you improve your performance. In this article, we will take a look at the top 7 ways to boost your energy so you can feel refreshed, revitalized and keep the feeling of sluggishness at bay.

Don’t skip breakfast

People who have busy lifestyles tend to skip breakfast most of the time. They don’t realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides the energy you need to start your day right. People who eat breakfast in the morning feel less stress and fatigue during the day. Foods which are high in fiber like oatmeal will keep you feeling fuller for long. They will give you enough energy to accomplish your daily tasks easily.

Increase your magnesium intake

Having a balanced diet will ensure that you are getting all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. But, if you are feeling lazy most of the time, then it is possible you have a magnesium deficiency. Read more

7 Foods To Fight PMS

7 Foods To Fight PMSMood swings, anxiety, irritability, headaches and bloating are some common premenstrual symptoms. You may not experience all of them, but a single one can spoil your day. It is common to reach out for salty food to curb that craving or even get mad at your best buddy over a small thing. There are over-the-counter medications available to help find relief from stomach cramps, but did not know that there are certain foods which can actually help you during this time of the month. Let’s take a look at 7 such foods that can help fight PMS.

Low Fat Yogurt

Think of yogurt when you are craving for something filling. One cup of low fat yogurt can provide good amounts of calcium. Foods rich in calcium can actually lower the risk of developing PMS and this has been proven by a number of studies and researches.

Grilled Salmon

Omega 3 fatty acids can help overcome the blues that come along with your period and grilled salmon is one of the best sources of fatty acids. Read more

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Benefits of BroccoliLiving a healthy life has become the talk of the century. These days people are more concerned about what they eat rather than just eating anything that they are served with. It is for this reason that probably you are going through this critique trying to find out whether the broccoli you are planning to shop for is of benefit to your health. Well, certainly broccoli is very important to the body as it offers a wide array of nutrients to ensure that you are healthy and happy. Below are some of the most important benefits that broccoli would have on your health.

Prevention of cancer
Broccoli is well known to contain glucoraphanin. This compound is normally processed by the body to form sulforaphane which is a compound that helps in prevention of cancer in the body. Sulforaphane ensures that the body gets rid of H. pylori as this bacterium would only lead to gastric cancer. Medics also argue that broccoli is rich in indole-3-carbinol. This is an ati-carcinogen and also an antioxidant that helps in prevention of several types of cancer including: breast cancer, prostate cancer and cervical cancer. This ability of fight cancer in the body is also evident in other vegetables e.g. Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Read more

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