Health Benefits Of Seaweed

Health Benefits of SeaweedSeaweed may resemble slimy spinach, but the fact is that this marine vegetable is packed with a range of nutrients and offers more health benefits. You may not consume seaweed like a regular vegetable, but once you are aware of the health benefits of it, you will want to make it a part of your diet. Here are some of the health benefits of eating seaweed.

Provides essential nutrients

You get most of the essential vitamins and minerals by eating seaweed. According to a number of studies, one gram of seaweed contains enough iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid glands. Some of the brown varieties of seaweed contain fucoxanthin which is a pigment that can help the body burn fats faster. Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 are other essential nutrients contained in seaweed.

Promotes digestion

Seaweed contains a natural fiber known as alginate that can help reduce fat absorption and promote proper digestion of food. It has also been suggested that consuming seaweed on a regular basis can reduce the absorption of fat by up to 75 percent. In addition, the dietary fiber that is responsible for promoting healthy digestion makes you feel fuller faster and prevents you from overeating. The studies done on the health benefits of seaweed suggest that this marine vegetable can lower bad cholesterol in the body and promote healthy weight loss if you include it in your diet. Read more

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