Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food Cravings

Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food CravingsToday, a lot of people are struggling with the problem of hedonic hunger. This form of hunger is more about eating for pleasure than to satisfy a need. When people suffer from hedonic hunger, they are unable to maintain their body’s balance and therefore put on weight. Mostly, people crave for sweets or fast food and this kind of urge is more like an addiction.

The good news is that a number of studies conducted on the benefits of spinach for the body have found that this green leafy vegetable contains a compound which can help curb cravings. It can help reset the body and resist food temptations that are a result of hedonic hunger.

People who have unhealthy eating habits often struggle to shed extra pounds. This is the reason they must learn how spinach can reduce unhealthy food cravings so they can keep their weight in check.

Weight loss with thylakoids

The green leaf membranes are known as thylakoids and when these are extracted from spinach, they can promote weight loss by up to 43%. Thylakoids can make a person feel full quickly by repressing hunger. Individuals who are looking to lose weight can also drink a glass of spinach juice before breakfast to reduce unhealthy food cravings. It will also help them feel more satisfied during the day. Read more

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in Calcium

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in CalciumCalcium is one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. It is needed by almost every cell in the body in one way or the other. It is required for the health of your teeth and bones. However, it also affects your nerve function, muscles, hormones and the ability to form blood clots. According to research, calcium may help with problems such as weight gain, high blood pressure and PMS.

Calcium is stored in the bones which provide support to the body. But, when we age, the ability to absorb calcium from the foods we eat decreases. This causes the body to take calcium from the bones and over time, the aging process leads to osteoporosis which is a kind of bone disease where the bones become brittle and weak.

Dairy products such as milk and cheese are considered as good sources of calcium. But, there are a number of nutritionists and health experts who suggest that you should not be entirely dependent on dairy products to get all the calcium your body needs. There are some nutritionists who are against the use of dairy in diet. In fact, some nutritionists and health experts have reported that consuming calcium from dairy products alone can reduce its absorption. An average adult needs about 1,100mg of calcium per day and according to recent studies, only about 30 percent of calcium is absorbed by the body when it comes only from dairy sources. Read more

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