7 Impressive Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

7 Impressive Health Benefits Of PumpkinThe variety of mouthwatering dishes you can make with pumpkin is endless. From raviolis, pies and breads to risottos and beers, there are just so many things that can be made using pumpkin as the main ingredient. You can also eat oven roasted pumpkin as a delicious desert. Pumpkins are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals. It is not just tasty when included in the meals, but it also packs a healthy punch. Here is a glance at the 7 impressive health benefits of pumpkin.

1. Improves vision

One cup of cooked pumpkin provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A and as suggested by health professionals, Vitamin A is vital for eyesight protection.

2. Aids in weight loss

Have you been struggling to get rid of the extra weight? Now you can easily lose weight and get in shape by incorporating pumpkin in your diet. Pumpkin contains fiber which not only helps in digestion, but also helps you feel fuller for longer. Pumpkin also contains fewer calories making it easy to achieve your weight loss goals. Read more

10 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Lazy Ways to Lose WeightWeight loss is not easy. “Unless you hit the gym, sweat or starve yourself, you are not going to lose a pound.” This is what we believe or rather what the fitness industry wants us to believe. But the truth is that if you have a weight loss goal, achieving it doesn’t have to be difficult. Even for the laziest people on earth, there are tips and tricks that can help them shed the extra pounds. Let’s take a look at the top ten lazy ways to lose weight.

1. Drink water before every meal

Water contains no calories but your food does. So drinking one or two glasses of water before you start your meal will make you feel fuller instantly. This will prevent you from overeating and it will also keep you hydrated.

2. Make some changes in your diet

Making little changes to your diet can help you cut down on calories. For example, if you are having salad for lunch, opt for a healthy dressing instead of those that will turn your salad into fat bombs. Stay clear of ridiculously unhealthy dressings like Creamy Caesar, Buttermilk Ranch Dressing, Creamy Italian Garlic Dressing and others. Going for fresh fruits instead of dried fruits can also save you some calories.

3. Control your portion size

If you are planning to lose weight, you must control your portion size at every meal. Do not eat snacks from the bag and stop only when you feel like eating no more. Measure your snacks and foods beforehand so you know how much you are supposed to eat. Use small plates during mealtimes so you are in control of how much you eat. Read more

Quinoa and its Health Benefits

Quinoa Health BenefitsQuinoa is often described as a ‘supergrain’ or ‘superfood’ and is very popular among people who are health conscious. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and is packed with fiber, protein and a variety of other minerals and nutrients. When compared with other grains, quinoa contains more proteins. It is low in carbohydrates and high in heart healthy unsaturated fats. Because quinoa is considered as one of the healthiest foods on the planet, it is important that people are aware of the benefits it offers. Here’s a look at the many health benefits of quinoa.

Decreases the risk of chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation has many implications on the human body which scientists and researchers are still trying to understand. Some of the disorders in which chronic inflammation is believed to play a role include asthma, bowel diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to a number of studies, quinoa may help decrease the risk of chronic inflammation as they help promote friendly bacteria that can be found in the gut. Read more

Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Health Benefits Of Brussels SproutsOne of the most hated vegetable in the world is Brussels sprouts and one of the reasons for this is their notorious smell. They have an offensive odor, but most people don’t realize that this odor comes from overcooking the vegetable. When cooked right, these tiny nutritional powerhouses are both tasty and healthy. Proper cooking also helps preserve their nutrients and flavors. Brussels sprouts are also low in calories which make them the ideal food for weight loss. One cup contains only about 56 calories.

Including Brussels sprouts in your diet can offer numerous health benefits. Since they are packed with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they can provide protection against many diseases and ailments. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

Helps fight cancer

Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable which means that it is naturally associated with reducing the risk of cancer. According to a number of studies, the sulfur containing compounds contained in Brussels sprouts are powerful when it comes to fighting cancer. These compounds can help impede or delay different types of cancer such as melanoma, prostrate, pancreatic and even esophageal cancer. Read more

Health Benefits Of Seaweed

Health Benefits of SeaweedSeaweed may resemble slimy spinach, but the fact is that this marine vegetable is packed with a range of nutrients and offers more health benefits. You may not consume seaweed like a regular vegetable, but once you are aware of the health benefits of it, you will want to make it a part of your diet. Here are some of the health benefits of eating seaweed.

Provides essential nutrients

You get most of the essential vitamins and minerals by eating seaweed. According to a number of studies, one gram of seaweed contains enough iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid glands. Some of the brown varieties of seaweed contain fucoxanthin which is a pigment that can help the body burn fats faster. Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 are other essential nutrients contained in seaweed.

Promotes digestion

Seaweed contains a natural fiber known as alginate that can help reduce fat absorption and promote proper digestion of food. It has also been suggested that consuming seaweed on a regular basis can reduce the absorption of fat by up to 75 percent. In addition, the dietary fiber that is responsible for promoting healthy digestion makes you feel fuller faster and prevents you from overeating. The studies done on the health benefits of seaweed suggest that this marine vegetable can lower bad cholesterol in the body and promote healthy weight loss if you include it in your diet. Read more

10 Important Health Benefits of Fiber

10 Important Health Benefits of FiberYou may have heard that eating more fiber is good for health. But what is fiber and why is it good?

Fiber is present in many vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. It is a component of food that is good for relieving constipation. Other than this, there are many health benefits of including more fiber in the diet and it is also not hard to select tasty foods which are rich in fiber. Fiber is not digested by the body. Instead it is passed intact through the stomach to the small intestine and colon and out of the body. Fiber can be classified as soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is present in apples, carrots, citrus fruits, peas, oats and beans. It dissolves in water. On the other hand, insoluble fiber aids in digestion and is commonly found in potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, wheat bran, whole wheat flour and nuts. Some of the important health benefits of fiber are mentioned below.

1. Promotes heart health

A number of studies have suggested that eating more fiber can promote heart health and prevent diseases related to the heart.

2. Prevents cancer

Including foods high in fiber in the diet can provide protection against many different types of cancers including colon, uterine, ovarian and breast cancer. Read more

10 Golden Tips For A Flat Belly

10 Goleden Tips For A Flat BellyOne of the common problems that most people face today is a bulging belly. While there are many reasons people tend to put on more weight around the midsection area, it is often always hard to get rid of the excess fat. Fat around the belly area is the most dangerous because a large waistline is an indication of disease and health problems. People tend to gain weight around the belly area when there is an increase in cortisol levels and one of the main reasons for this increase is stress. When stress gets worse with poor diets, the type of tissue that is responsible for burning calories efficiently breaks down. There are no magic bullets to target abdominal fat, but there are a number of things that you can do to reduce fat around your midsection. Given below are the top 10 golden tips for a flat belly.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

When you are trying to lose weight, it may sound counterproductive to eat, but according to a number of studies, eating within one hour of getting up can help keep insulin levels in check. Healthy breakfasts such as oats, eggs, and fresh fruits can help you feel fuller for long and also control your weight. Read more

Health Benefits of Kaki

Health Benefits of KakiKaki which is also known as Japanese Persimmon is a tropical fruit with a very sweet taste. It is orange in color and has smooth skin. Kaki can be consumed as raw fruit, but it is commonly used in jams and cakes. While this fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and C, it also provides Vitamin B1, B2 and B3. There are many benefits of Kaki and some of the major ones are outlined below.

Helps in weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, then one of the best things you can try is kaki. The fiber content in this fruit is quite high which can help promote weight loss. When you eat foods high in fiber, you feel fuller quickly and you also don’t crave for processed food and sugar. Including persimmon fruit to your weight loss program can greatly help you shed off those extra pounds.

Helps fight cancer

Kaki or Japanese persimmon contains beneficial nutrients which protects from free radicals which are responsible for cancer. The phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in this fruit fights free radicals and effectively prevents cancer.

Helps the digestive system

Fibers are essential when it comes to having proper bowel movements. When you consume fruits and foods rich in fiber on a regular basis, you can get rid of issues and problems related to bowel movement, the result of which is achieving a healthy digestive system. The intestinal movements of the body are also regulated by the tannins present in the fruit which helps get relief from diarrhea also. Read more

Juicing and Its Health Benefits

Juicing Health BenefitsProbably you are well aware of the fact that fruits and vegetables are very important to the body. But the question that you ought to be asking yourself is whether you know how to get the most out of these fruits and veggies. Do you? Juicing is the best way to gain the most out of nutritional values that fruits and veggies offer.

In addition to the fact that you would be getting nutrients from the fruits and veggies, water content present in them will also help you in waste elimination. Perfect juicing will also ensure that fiber content present in fruits and veggies is well tapped. In order to get fiber content from fruits and vegetables, it is recommended that you use softer vegetables and fruits. The idea of using a juicing machine will separate important fiber that is also important in the body. Certainly, this is one of the reasons why the final product of juicing while using a machine is super fine liquid.

Eating fruits or juicing?
Studies have revealed that enzymes and vitamins that are essential to the body are mostly obtained from juices of raw veggies and fruits. In order to achieve the nutritional value that 16 oz of juice offers, you would have to eat approx. 12 apples, spinach (8lbs) and carrots (2lbs). Read more

Fresh Sweet Cherries

Fresh Sweet CherriesSweet Cherries are an attractive fruit appreciated for their taste, their sweetness and their diversity in an assortment of various recipes. However, they are also highly nutritious and incredibly good for you.

Sweet cherries are firm, glossy, deep red, and larger than the sour cherry or “chokecherry” varieties. They’re closely related to the wild cherries native to the Caucasus Mountain regions between the Black and Caspian seas. Like peaches and apricots, these little red fruits are drupes, containing a single seed.

They are low in calories and are full of antioxidants whose benefits include the ability to prevent many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Many people also believe that the antioxidants found in cherries may even slow the signs of ageing!

The health benefits of sweet cherries are multiple. Research shows a connection between eating sweet cherries and the prevention of Alzheimer’s. Between the fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, and anthocyanins, several types of cancers have been shown to be inhibited, and the cyanidin found in cherries significantly increases the free radical scavenging activity in the body. In fact, this is one of the most important ways cancer is shut down. Research shows that cherries may aid this benefit by blocking cancer cells from accessing the proteins they need to proliferate.

However, consume sweet cherries in moderation because they contain fructose, which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

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