Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food Cravings

Spinach Reduces Unhealthy Food CravingsToday, a lot of people are struggling with the problem of hedonic hunger. This form of hunger is more about eating for pleasure than to satisfy a need. When people suffer from hedonic hunger, they are unable to maintain their body’s balance and therefore put on weight. Mostly, people crave for sweets or fast food and this kind of urge is more like an addiction.

The good news is that a number of studies conducted on the benefits of spinach for the body have found that this green leafy vegetable contains a compound which can help curb cravings. It can help reset the body and resist food temptations that are a result of hedonic hunger.

People who have unhealthy eating habits often struggle to shed extra pounds. This is the reason they must learn how spinach can reduce unhealthy food cravings so they can keep their weight in check.

Weight loss with thylakoids

The green leaf membranes are known as thylakoids and when these are extracted from spinach, they can promote weight loss by up to 43%. Thylakoids can make a person feel full quickly by repressing hunger. Individuals who are looking to lose weight can also drink a glass of spinach juice before breakfast to reduce unhealthy food cravings. It will also help them feel more satisfied during the day. Read more

5 Reasons Why You’re Craving Unhealthy Foods

Once you are done with your tasks at the office, you feel very tired and just want to get home to get rest and eat something.

5 Reasons Why You’re Craving Unhealthy FoodsThe truth is that when you are craving something to eat, you tend to consider desserts or salty foods, instead of a healthy plate. Have you ever wondered what are the reasons that make you crave unhealthy foods?

The main reasons why people tend to crave junk food is because they had a stressful day, ate poorly or feel tired. However, sometimes is difficult to determine what your body actually needs and what you should consume to recover. Anyway, you definitely don’t want to end up going to McDonald’s every day when you are craving foods just
because you had a stressful day, felt tired or didn’t have a proper daily diet.

Nutritionists have now discovered the reasons why people crave unhealthy foods. It is time to become familiar with these facts and take all the necessary precautions to curb your cravings for unhealthy foods.

1. Addiction
Junk food is indeed something dangerous, it can easily lead to addiction. The more junk food you eat, the more your body will want, again and again. Your brain can easily get used to ask for that food repeatedly. Cutting off unhealthy foods is initially difficult, but if you train your brain to crave healthy foods instead, craving unhealthy foods will become less frequent.

2. Low blood sugar
When you don’t eat anything all day your blood sugar level drops. In this situation, your brain is looking for the fastest way to refill the missing nutrients. This is usually done by mechanically eating unhealthy food choices, like carbohydrates or sugary foods. This is the reason why it is recommended to eat regularly and avoid letting yourself hungry throughout the day. Try to include healthy snacks or nuts between your meals. Read more

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