Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts

Health Benefits Of Brussels SproutsOne of the most hated vegetable in the world is Brussels sprouts and one of the reasons for this is their notorious smell. They have an offensive odor, but most people don’t realize that this odor comes from overcooking the vegetable. When cooked right, these tiny nutritional powerhouses are both tasty and healthy. Proper cooking also helps preserve their nutrients and flavors. Brussels sprouts are also low in calories which make them the ideal food for weight loss. One cup contains only about 56 calories.

Including Brussels sprouts in your diet can offer numerous health benefits. Since they are packed with minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they can provide protection against many diseases and ailments. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

Helps fight cancer

Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable which means that it is naturally associated with reducing the risk of cancer. According to a number of studies, the sulfur containing compounds contained in Brussels sprouts are powerful when it comes to fighting cancer. These compounds can help impede or delay different types of cancer such as melanoma, prostrate, pancreatic and even esophageal cancer. Read more

Health Benefits Of Seaweed

Health Benefits of SeaweedSeaweed may resemble slimy spinach, but the fact is that this marine vegetable is packed with a range of nutrients and offers more health benefits. You may not consume seaweed like a regular vegetable, but once you are aware of the health benefits of it, you will want to make it a part of your diet. Here are some of the health benefits of eating seaweed.

Provides essential nutrients

You get most of the essential vitamins and minerals by eating seaweed. According to a number of studies, one gram of seaweed contains enough iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid glands. Some of the brown varieties of seaweed contain fucoxanthin which is a pigment that can help the body burn fats faster. Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 are other essential nutrients contained in seaweed.

Promotes digestion

Seaweed contains a natural fiber known as alginate that can help reduce fat absorption and promote proper digestion of food. It has also been suggested that consuming seaweed on a regular basis can reduce the absorption of fat by up to 75 percent. In addition, the dietary fiber that is responsible for promoting healthy digestion makes you feel fuller faster and prevents you from overeating. The studies done on the health benefits of seaweed suggest that this marine vegetable can lower bad cholesterol in the body and promote healthy weight loss if you include it in your diet. Read more

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in Calcium

10 Non-Dairy Foods Highest in CalciumCalcium is one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. It is needed by almost every cell in the body in one way or the other. It is required for the health of your teeth and bones. However, it also affects your nerve function, muscles, hormones and the ability to form blood clots. According to research, calcium may help with problems such as weight gain, high blood pressure and PMS.

Calcium is stored in the bones which provide support to the body. But, when we age, the ability to absorb calcium from the foods we eat decreases. This causes the body to take calcium from the bones and over time, the aging process leads to osteoporosis which is a kind of bone disease where the bones become brittle and weak.

Dairy products such as milk and cheese are considered as good sources of calcium. But, there are a number of nutritionists and health experts who suggest that you should not be entirely dependent on dairy products to get all the calcium your body needs. There are some nutritionists who are against the use of dairy in diet. In fact, some nutritionists and health experts have reported that consuming calcium from dairy products alone can reduce its absorption. An average adult needs about 1,100mg of calcium per day and according to recent studies, only about 30 percent of calcium is absorbed by the body when it comes only from dairy sources. Read more

7 Foods To Fight PMS

7 Foods To Fight PMSMood swings, anxiety, irritability, headaches and bloating are some common premenstrual symptoms. You may not experience all of them, but a single one can spoil your day. It is common to reach out for salty food to curb that craving or even get mad at your best buddy over a small thing. There are over-the-counter medications available to help find relief from stomach cramps, but did not know that there are certain foods which can actually help you during this time of the month. Let’s take a look at 7 such foods that can help fight PMS.

Low Fat Yogurt

Think of yogurt when you are craving for something filling. One cup of low fat yogurt can provide good amounts of calcium. Foods rich in calcium can actually lower the risk of developing PMS and this has been proven by a number of studies and researches.

Grilled Salmon

Omega 3 fatty acids can help overcome the blues that come along with your period and grilled salmon is one of the best sources of fatty acids. Read more

Why You Should Eat Almonds Every Day

Why You Should Eat Almonds Every DayAlmond is considered to be one of the healthiest nuts in the world. Because almonds are packed with a range of nutrients like proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins, they offer a number of health benefits. Almonds are present in every part of the world and they can be found throughout the year. This means that they can be included in your meals or taken as snack every single day.

Almonds are rich in protein (21%) and contain essential amino acids. They contain carbohydrates as well as dietary fiber. Almonds are also rich in essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and Vitamin E and B. Almonds are tasty and nutritious as well. Some of their health benefits include:

Promotes weight loss.

Despite their high calorie value, a handful of almonds can reduce your carvings, while supplementing your diet with healthy fats, fiber and other high-quality nutrients. Recent studies have shown that adding almonds to everyday diet brings many health benefits including weight loss. Read more

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Benefits of BroccoliLiving a healthy life has become the talk of the century. These days people are more concerned about what they eat rather than just eating anything that they are served with. It is for this reason that probably you are going through this critique trying to find out whether the broccoli you are planning to shop for is of benefit to your health. Well, certainly broccoli is very important to the body as it offers a wide array of nutrients to ensure that you are healthy and happy. Below are some of the most important benefits that broccoli would have on your health.

Prevention of cancer
Broccoli is well known to contain glucoraphanin. This compound is normally processed by the body to form sulforaphane which is a compound that helps in prevention of cancer in the body. Sulforaphane ensures that the body gets rid of H. pylori as this bacterium would only lead to gastric cancer. Medics also argue that broccoli is rich in indole-3-carbinol. This is an ati-carcinogen and also an antioxidant that helps in prevention of several types of cancer including: breast cancer, prostate cancer and cervical cancer. This ability of fight cancer in the body is also evident in other vegetables e.g. Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Read more

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